The Content
Site Theme The theme of this site is "sploshing" or "wet and messy" which to us means "getting covered in some non-bodily-fluid substance." All uploaded media, linked sites, posts, and comments must contain some content or information consistent with this site's theme. Content containing just water is considered wetlook; Content containing any other substance is considered messy. Other fetishes are allowed as long as they are combined with wam.
Ownership This site does not own the intellectual rights to any media content. All media content hosted on this site is owned or licensed by the respective users or content producers who upload it. We are vigilant against piracy. By uploading any images, videos, or other content to this site via the galleries, forums, the bins, or any other upload facility, you acknowledge that you either own or have the right to use the content. If you upload photos that you don't own, they must be in the public domain or you must first get permission from the owner. If uploaded photos have no embedded watermark please give proper credit to the owner in your description. We will remove any content where it seems that a watermark has been deliberately blocked, blurred, or cropped out. By uploading content, you give us license to host it, display it, as well as duplicate, back up, modify, re-render, or advertise against it. You assume responsibility for all repercussions resulting from the publication your content, including but not limited to copyright disputes, conflicts with models or other owners, or physical confrontations. Content or content-related descriptions bearing this website's name, domain name, logo, or watermark; or bearing the name "Messmaster" do not denote ownership, endorsement, or involvement of any kind.
Documentation Due to biller regulations and
2257 law, if your content is sexually explicit, we will require your account to be verified. An account is considered verified once its user has supplied to us a government-issued photo ID and Custodian of Records information. The Custodian of Records is the designated person or entity who maintains proof that your models
and crew were at least 18 years old at the time of filming. You must verify the identity and age, and for your own records, keep signed model release forms and copies of photo ID's, from all models
and crew members present at the shoots (
sample model release form). Store owners are also be required to be verified, and to submit tax identification. We define "explicit" as anything that contains nudity (full or visible through sheer fabrics), sex, or sexual suggestiveness.
Scene Definition For our purposes, a "scene" is the depiction of a unique event, regardless of how it was filmed, photographed, rendered, or edited.
Forbidden Content For all content linked, discussed, or uploaded directly to this site: We don't allow urine, feces, manure, vomit, blood, dangerous or caustic substances such as cement or concrete, or anything rotten or diseased. Simulated such substances are okay as long as it's obvious or clearly stated that they are fake. We don't allow depictions of violence, non-consensual sex, blackmail, illegal drugs, beastiality, incest, pedophilia, dead people, necrophilia, or use of live animals or bugs. Though often combined with wam, we do not consider wam itself to be object crushing, clothes ripping, makeup application (unless using lots of makeup), latex application, airbrushing, or squirting. All subjects must be consenting and not surprised ambush-style. We don't allow images depicting known killers, rapists, pedophiles, kidnappers, or provocative figures. We will remove messages implying suicidal thoughts.
Hosted Content For all media and textual content uploaded to this site: We don't allow content where a subject is unconscious, asleep, hallucinating, hypnotized (or is hypnotizing someone), asphyxiated, on the influence of drugs, or drunk. The models must not be harmed, placed in apparent danger, or shown asking to be freed or to stop, even if acted. We do not accept footage or photos of public areas with unwitting subjects. No pissing or excrement is allowed. Do not split large files into multiple files in order to get around our file size or playback length restrictions. Duplicate content is not allowed even if it's edited differently or in a different speed. Do not delete a scene only to create it again; Please
contact us for any adjustments you need. Do not create a new version of a previously-deleted scene; Please
contact us to un-delete the deleted version.
Store Content For content sold on this site's store system: Scenes with negligible amounts of wet and messy action won't be accepted. Any scene that contains submersion (e.g. in quicksand, underwater) must also show the model re-emerging afterwards, and the description must mention that no harm comes to the model. Do not promise extra content or products contingent upon purchase from your store, other than through our official Bonus Content system connected to your store. Customers and producers may only use the Name Your Price feature to pay for content sold here; Do not use it to effectively transfer money for content delivered off-site, or to settle other outside debts.
Linking Out We don't allow links to sites that primarily host pirated content such as most "tube" and "clip tape" sites. Links or ads for paid affiliates, escort or gambling services, or paid in-person sessions are not allowed. Do not post or request content has been that hidden, deleted, or unlisted.
Don't Promote Piracy Do not link to or direct users to any site that is known to traffic in pirated content (e.g. "tube" sites). Users may ask how to find obscure material but must not imply intent to obtain or trade it illegally. Do not invite others to trade, give, buy, or sell such content, regardless of age, rarity, or if the producer is deceased. Discussion about video downloaders and site rippers is not allowed. Piracy tip submissions are appreciated, but please only send them via the
Piracy Tips page or posted to the private Store Owners forums; Please do not post them to general-access areas. Selling original copies of analog media (e.g., VHS or magazines) is allowed, but do not sell digital content unless you own its copyright. In most countries, copyright lasts 70 years after the creator's death.
Keep the Kids Out! No one under 18 can be present anywhere in the content in absolutely any context, even the background. We do not allow uploads, discussion, or links about any site, picture, screenshot, video, movie, or show whose intended audience is children, even if no children are actually present in the content. We allow reasonable discussion of fetishes from the perspective of being rooted in childhood development, but we cannot allow for the actual events to be described salaciously. Newly uploaded content depicting the actual logos or titles from children's shows will not be allowed. We do not have restrictions on usernames at this time, but we advise everyone to use good judgement when choosing them. Illustrations, cartoons, and animations are allowed, including those generated by computer, but the characters must clearly look like adults. Our site is RTA (Restricted to Adults)
compliant which means it identifies itself as adult-related to search engines and browsers to allow effective blocking by parental controls.
Synthetic ContentIf you post about or upload media featuring photorealistic models that are computer-generated or deep fakes, you must check the box on the upload form to tag it as synthetic content. The technology usedwhether artificial intelligence, Photoshop, or a skilled artistdoes not matter. Non-photorealistic illustrations do not need to be tagged synthetic. Computer-generated audio content such as audio books must also be tagged synthetic if it's realistic.
If you upload media featuring the likeness of a real person in a fantasy scenario, that person must be you, your model, or someone who has given consent to use their likeness. We will remove any uploaded media that appears to use a person's likeness without their consent, regardless of whether they're a celebrity or not. At this time we are agnostic about linking to or posting about such content on other web sites, but we may disallow that in the future.
Photorealistic generated and altered content is subject to the same rules as natural content: Copyright laws still apply, subjects must be clearly portrayed as adults, and if the content depicts any nudity, the uploader must have a verified account.
Content that's had its quality enhanced or upscaled by AI does not need to be tagged synthetic because the scenario and models are still real, not made-up. Textual content generated by computer must be tagged as synthetic. Textual content written by a human but narrated by computer need not be marked synthetic, but must be accompanied by a disclaimer mentioning that the voiceover has been done by computer.
Off-topic We allow links to off-topic personal sites only from your profile page. In our user galleries, off-topic images are only allowed in albums designated as "off-topic" on the edit form. Any off-topic images must be personally owned by you, not off the 'net, regardless of legality. If any image violates site rules, it and its entire gallery will likely be erased as we won't have time to cherrypick for more offenses. Do not discuss illegal activities of any kind on any area of this site. This is an English-language site, and text submitted in any another language may be deleted or translated at the discretion of admin. To view this site in alternate languages, please use a translation plugin on your browser.
Age and Identity Verification All persons appearing on this website were at least 18 years old at the time the images were created. All producers of explicit content are required to be verified by sending us government-issued photo identification and Custodian of Records (2257) information which states who maintains proof of age of all featured models. All store owners must meet these requirements plus supply an official tax form. This information is stored offline and encrypted, in our possession only, and is required to be available to the authorities upon a formal request, but otherwise is never given to any bank, government entity, or 3rd party. You may request that we destroy all copies of your submitted documents at any time.
Account verificationBeing verified, or having the green checkmark next to a username, means that user has provided the information necessary to satisfy biller requirements, but it does not imply a thorough background check, guarantee the user's ongoing authenticity, or imply endorsement or affiliation. The verified account owner may differ from the front-facing personality or the associate managing the account daily. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of any user's claims about themselves, including their sex, name, or other information.
Content Review Process Our team of admins review all media content before display. Our sellable content is also periodically reviewed by our billers' compliance officers as well as by our own administrators. Content approval does not imply endorsement nor confirm legality, and approved content is still subject to further review and reassessment.
Content Flagging Every piece of media content is accompanied by a link to report it to us as a violation. Anyone can use these links to report unauthorized depictions of themselves, piracy or copyright violations, questionable model ages, or anything illegal or against our terms of use. All other issues can be reported via the
Contact Us link at the bottom of every page. We have a vigilant community that helps by reporting potential violations that we may have missed. We will respond and/or take action within a maximum of 7 business days.
Piracy Off-Site Do not upload or store your purchases to any other web site. If we have sufficient evidence that you have pirated any content from this site or uploaded it elsewhere, we will gag or terminate your account. If you see a copyright violation anywhere on the internet, please send us a tip by clicking "Report Piracy" at the bottom of this site. Our system attempts to send the tip to the appropriate producers if they are here; We have an array of tools to help producers organize their piracy tips and get their content taken down. Sadly we cannot police the entire internet, so it is ultimately the responsibility of every producer to pursue takedowns of their own material, even if it had been sold here.
Dispute Resolution
Copyright We personally attend to every copyright complaint and intellectual property dispute, and will attempt to mediate a constructive conversation where all parties can be satisfied. If the parties refuse mediation through our inbox system, or an agreement cannot be reached, the complainant will be asked to supply a production contract that proves ownership. Such a contract must have be signed by both parties and explicitly mention the title and production date of the specific content in question. Requiring a contract guards against potential misuse by competitors leveraging our platform to target their rivals. Any dispute may only be lodged by the actual content owner, and not on behalf of someone else.
Trademarks For any trademark infringement claim over another user using a very similar username or store name or logo, deference will be given to whoever is currently using it on this web site, unless one of the parties in question can provide proof of current ownership. Without requiring proof, any account would be vulnerable to being unjustly shut down by a competitor, former associate, or any random person.
Works for Hire Any producer who buys or shoots content owns the intellectual rights to it. No model contained therein has the right to control how it is sold or displayed once the sale or "work for hire" has been done. A claim of actual ownership of the material is necessary to start a dispute resolution process. If you sell content here that also appears on custom sites like Fiverr, be sure that you own it. Content that was commissioned on those sites tends to be owned by the buyer by default, not the seller--unless both parties have opted to sign a contract specifying otherwise. For disputes over ownership of such content, the original seller may be asked to produce a contract proving ownership. Otherwise, deference will be given to the buyer of the content. You are still required to maintain age records on every model appearing in content you sell here, even if you didn't shoot it yourself.
Reviews Every review submitted for a site listing or scene will be approved by site admin before display. Complaints about inaccuracies and technical issues will be resolved separately instead of being published as reviews, but good faith critical opinions about the content are normal and are allowed. Producers can request the removal of negative reviews by providing a compelling reason, but if we don't remove the review, we will accept an official producer response to be included with the review.
Closing your Store As a store owner, you may close your store at any time but your content will remain on our servers until you delete your scenes. You will not be able to delete any scene that a paying customer or subscriber still has access to; Only an admin can do that (
contact us), and the customer will be refunded for their purchase. If you plan to close a store that offers recurring subscriptions, please notify us ahead of time so that any active subscriptions can be canceled and allowed to run out before store closure. If you wish to permanently close your stores, please let us know, and all owed funds will be sent to you within at most three weeks.
Lost Account Access If you lost the password to your account, and you do not have access to the original email account in order to request a password reset, then you may
contact us to reset the password. We will require you to verify your account with several pieces of other information such as a recent purchase, your real name and address from a previously submitted document, or other non-public data from the profile.
Legacy Contact If we attempt to contact an account owner but receive no response for an extended period of time, or if we receive word that they are deceased, we may consider the account abandoned; If it has any stores, we may close them and attempt to send any final payment. If you host content here, you should fill out the
Legacy Contact section on your preferences. That section lets you specify an official entity with whom we are allowed to communicate and receive directives should you become deceased or no longer able to access this site. We will not initiate contact with this entity, but if they
contact us, we will verify their identity based on the information you've supplied, and consider them the official authority on how to handle your content and any remaining financial issues. Absent this information, your content will be deleted from our servers after an appropriate amount of time, and any funds we couldn't send will be held by us. To protect the privacy of any past customers, the Legacy Contact will not be given access to the account itself, nor any messages, logs, customer info, or sensitive data; We will only communicate to them about the content, sales stats, and monetary settlement if necessary.